Safety and Security


Safety and Security

Its goal is to deter, prevent, detect, and respond to physical security violations effectively.

Secure a building by doing the following:

  • Conduct a risk assessment to identify the building’s key security vulnerabilities.
  • Remove large bushes and other hiding places outside of the building.
  • Establish a security perimeter using fences or walls.
  • Place physical barriers, such as turnstiles, at access points.
  • Install weapon detection systems at major entry points.
  • Record the names of visitors and occupants, the times they entered/exited the building, and their signatures in daily logbooks.
  • Enforce a strict ID-wearing rule, with each ID having a recent photo of its owner.
  • Implement extra identity verification and confirmation procedures.
  • Install a locking or keycode system on doors that lead to high-risk areas (containing extremely valuable assets, information, or equipment).
  • Install CCTV cameras where possible and ensure that there are no blind spots.
  • Keep all areas of the building well-lit and clear (free from large objects that could possibly obscure intruders).
  • Install motion sensor devices with alarms that are triggered by unauthorized access and with the capability to automatically send intruder alerts once the alarm is triggered.
  • Establish security violation protocols, including evacuation procedures and emergency response plans.
  • Perform regular security testing to identify new vulnerabilities and/or prepare for emerging threats.
  • Training of guards and watchmen to deal with fire and emergency situations and ongoing rehabilitation and development to ensure the highest levels of safety for residents.
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